Each breeder's page will have all "their" contact information, prices, contracts, and links to their social media pages and other important information on their puppy page.
Looking for Health, Pedigree and beauty? This litter will provide all lilac colors, from a Lilac Tri to Lilac Merles.
Click photo to go to web page for all their info.
Looking for Health, Pedigree and beauty? This litter will provide an array of colors! From Black (Tri/Trindle/Merle/Seal),Blue (Tri/Trindle/Merle/Seal),Lilac (Tri/Trindle/Merle/Seal), or Chocolate (Tri/Trindle/Merle/Seal).
Click photo to go to web page for all their info.
Each breeder's page will have all "their" contact information, prices, contracts, and links to their social media pages and other important information on their puppy page.
Looking for Health, Pedigree and beauty? This litter will provide a wide array of color choices. These will range from Reds, Black Tri's, Fawns and Merles (Meany carried the gene) Click photo to go to web page for all their info.
Looking for a more unique English Bulldog? This litter was a litter of all Black Tri BOYS. Click photo to go to web page for all their info. If interested in future litters go to their web page. (click photo for details)
Standard Colors Only. There will be all shades of Red, Fawn and possible Black Tri's. If interested in more info click the photo to go to their web page. (click photo for details)
PUPPIES ARE ALL SOLD - June of 2023. This is repeat litter between Obi and Finky both owned by PappysBulldogs & English Bulldogs USA, LLC (click photo for details)
PUPPIES ARE ALL SOLD June 2023. This is a pairing of short meets shorter. Keep an eye out for this litter.
(click photo for details)
Contact us at pappysbullies@gmail.com an ask about how to post you litter
We are a growing select network of breeders joining together to promote our puppies. Puppies are our heart & soul. We have spent many sleepless nights making sure they were properly taken care of, to reach this point. It would make sense that our prices might be all over the place from one breeder to the next. Some might do DNA & extra health tests; color, health, champion lines, and parents could be a factor to determine price. Before you complain about prices, be sure to read “So you want to be a breeder."
When buying a puppy please make you to check your states Puppy Lemon Law.
Here is Pennsylvania's: PA Puppy Lemon Law
English Bulldogs USA, LLC's sole purpose is to help breeders and stud owners promote their bulldogs. We do not own or have any other dealings with breeders, unless disclosed. Please reach out to each individual breeder for questions or issues you may have with them. All their contact info is listed on their page. Please read this first if you are a litter or stud owner (breeder disclosure).
Copyright © 2023 English Bulldogs USA, LLC - All Rights Reserved.
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